PREcession-based drive mechanisms for high-PREcision energy-efficient POSitionining devices Pre2Pos project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 reserach and innovation programme under grant agreement No 733209
Europe project web page

Our Gimbal was published on the CORDIS website

July 10th, 2020|Publications|

The CORDIS website describes in this article the Gimbal developed by Phi Drive and Arquimea during the Pre2Pos project. CORDIS (Community Research and Development Information Service) is the main source of results for research and innovation programmes funded by the EU. Such programmes include H2020, which is the framework of the Pre2Pos project. The article Moving rapidly and accurately, it will [...]

AG-HT ends on the pages of Mikroproduktion

July 18th, 2018|News, Publications|

Phi Drive work on the innovative AG-HT engine, recently presented to the public at the Actuator 18 conference, ended up in Mikroproduktion, one of the German leading magazine for the world of industry and automation.   This new article was written by Gerhard Vogel, who has been collaborating with the organizers of Actuator 18 for years. Phi Drive's paper [...]

Phi Drive presents AG-HT at the Actuator 18 conference

January 31st, 2018|News, Publications|

After the first publication obtained for  the AG-HT drive, Phi Drive has been once again selected among many innovative businesses to demonstrate to the scientific community the exceptional performances of torque and precision reached by its new improved Deformation Wave Precession mechanism employed in its motor. The 26th of June Phi Drive will be in [...]