PREcession-based drive mechanisms for high-PREcision energy-efficient POSitionining devices Pre2Pos project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 reserach and innovation programme under grant agreement No 733209
Europe project web page
  • Solar Array

    Drive Mechanisms

  • Precision

    Movement Technology

  • Dynamism

    concatenated movement

Deliverables According to Pre2Pos work plan in chronological order

Formal legal document agreed and signed by the Consortium partners. It contains the internal arrangements regarding their operation and coordination to ensure that the project is implemented properly.

status: Done

Pre2Pos Phase 2 project will be registered on the “.eu” domain ( for example). The project website will be composed by different sections presenting the project: home, background, progress and achievements, news, dissemination materials and activities (e.g. fairs, exhibitions). After its launch in Month 3, the website will be updated regularly, on a monthly basis.

status: Done

This report will include a detailed description of the mechanical properties of the main material considered and selected, along with the coatings/surface treatments (focus on friction/hardness/wear). All tests, results and considerations of materials/coatings for use in space environment will be included. The 2nd part of the report will present the control specifications and optimization of the command law for the Pre2Pos motor.

status: Done

This report will gather the updated CAD/simulation models, the results from the static/dynamic analysis and the subsequent design optimizations deriving from them. Safety analysis of the components will be included.

status: Done

This report will provide the technical specifications and general drawings of the Pre2Pos motor industrial prototypes (AG High Torque), along with the results of functional testing and control of their performances. In particular, modifications and adaptations between the STM (first prototypes) and QM models (second and finalized prototypes) – resulting from feedbacks of the STM testing – will be detailed here.

status: Done

This report summarizes the activities carried out during the 1st year of the project towards preparing Pre2Pos commercialization, attracting the interest of the targeted customers, the industrial community and public in general in Pre2Pos technology. This report will include the updated Business and Marketing Plan, and a detail of all the activities performed by the two partners linked to the publication and promotion of the project’s progress.

status: Done

The Deliverable D2.2 will summarize the procedures and organization for the qualification of the Pre2Pos motor for space application (including the design documentation), following ESA standards. Results of the STM model testing (investigation/control of the structural design) and QM model testing (functional and environmental qualification) will be gathered here.

status: Done

This report will summarize the design work of ARQUIMEA to adapt Pre2Pos motor component into a rotary actuator configuration (EM/QM models). Specifications, CAD model, technical drawings, as well as expected performance will be detailed here. Included as well the compliance with industrial and space requirements.

status: Done

Rotary actuator prototypes including the finalized Pre2Pos motor. The technical report will gather a detail explanation of the prototyping development, including a Bill of Materials for all the components with their specifications and, when selected from existing references, the manufacturer. Results of functional testing will be included here.

status: Done

This report gathers the procedures and organization for the qualification of the Pre2Pos rotary actuator for space application, following ESA standards. Results of the EM model testing and QM model testing will be included here, along with any potential tune-up/optimization of the actuator.

status: Done

This report will include the results of the demonstration and validation of the rotary actuator prototype according to its proven performances. The feedback and commercial/technical validation of the End User representatives will be detailed here to be reused as sales arguments (Case Study).

status: Done

This report summarizes the activities carried out during the 2nd year of the project towards preparing Pre2Pos commercialization, attracting the interest of the targeted customers, the industrial community and public in general in Pre2Pos technology. This report will include the finalized Business and Marketing Plan, and a detail of all the activities performed by the two partners linked to the publication and promotion of the project’s progress. Moreover, the industrialization plan deriving from Task 5.4 will be added.

status: Done